Pring Is the Only Sms Social Network That Provide Free Twitter Alerts And Facebook Alerts.
After a few months of testing Pring on Ufone, we are very excited to announce that we are going to go live on the 1st of September 2010. What does this mean?
- Change of shortcode from 414 to 2323: Currently, if you are a Ufone user, you can send and receive updates from the 414 shortcode. After the 1st, all SMS will be sent from 2323 and we will route all traffic from 414 to 2323. Shifting all codes to 2323 simplifies the process of signing up and telling your friends which number to SMS to.
- Rs 0.5+tax will be charged on every SMS sent to 2323. This charge is a small amount and allows us to increase our ability to provide better service quality. Previously, the 414 shortcode was free.
- Comment-by-reply functionality: Currently, to reply to an update you have to write the update @ID followed by the comment. This is slow, hard and unintuitive. Starting from the 1st of September, to comment on any update, all you have to do is to reply to any update and it will become a comment. We already have this functionality on Zong. This allows for better conversations and reduces noisiness. Going forward, shortcode extensions (as these are called) will allow us to greatly simplify your experience for most commands.
- Higher limits on sending updates: On Ufone, depending upon various factors; we limit the updates you can do per hour and per day. We will be relaxing this limit after we place the Rs 0.5+tax charge. Please note that this limit is placed only on updates and not to private messages, comments or any other command.
On the whole, we think that these changes are going to make your Ufone experience much better and will allow us to expand with additional functionality. We hope you enjoy these changes!